Quote Originally Posted by trooper_thorn View Post
Ah yes, clearly she cares greatly about helping the nation and is not simply trying to use an emergency to push a wish list that otherwise would never have a chance of passing. You can tell she's super serious because of all the relevant regulations she inserted into the bill:

-Subsidies for solar and wind power are clearly about reacting to the virus.
-A massive handout to public employees unions is clearly about the virus.
-Bailing out the post office is about reacting to the virus.
-Same day voter registration is about reacting to the virus.
-Emission regulations on commercial airlines are clearly about reacting to the virus.
-Regulating the diversity of corporate boards is clearly about reacting to the virus.

Anyhow, there's 1400 pages to the Dem's plan and those are just a handful of the goodies they've stuffed in there. Their entire plan is to reject the Senate's bill (which Schumer was just praising as bipartisan a day or two ago) and hope that the public blames the Republicans.

That's it.

If they were serious about it they'd strip all the "corporate welfare" and pass a clean bill. But they have no such interest and most of the people on this comment board will pretend otherwise.
Republican slipped "abstinence only" sex education into their version of the bill, Karen.