Quote Originally Posted by Kisinith View Post
Mutants opposed to/questioning of Krakoa aren't a part of the central narrative so they don't need a significant introduction or significant presence in Act I. The examples given establish that those types of mutants exist thus when you get to Act II if the writers want to explore that idea you don't have to spend a lot of time introducing them. It doesn't even have to be one of those examples, they simply established the precedent that not everyone went to Krakoa.
Which leads me to conclude that they won't; because it hasn't been set-up to be it most likely won't be. Which is frustrating and makes the narrative feel contrived because there are characters who should and all of them have been shown to be a-ok with everything. To do it now would just look like an after-thought and lead to criticisms along the lines of....well, you know. Surprised Pikachu face.