The Eradicator just doesn't look right without those huge, yellow, oversized shades. Like, I get it would probably seem random if he suddenly had those (I was assuming his eyes would just morph into them somehow), but it just doesn't look complete without them. I wonder if some of Edge is still in there though, if only for a final scene with his brother...

Wow, Lois actually apologized to Sam. Never thought I'd see that. Honestly I understand that people want to understand the truth but I feel like I see the military's perspective of wanting to keep everyone from panicking or worrying about everything if they knew the truth. Just look at how Chrissy's article stoked the fires of the citizens' outrage when the DoD is just there for security, especially with Edge still out there, and Clark thought the article exaggerated a little. How would people react to knowledge of X-Kryptonite and the idea of having Superman's powers at the touch of a rock? I feel bad for that woman though, still not knowing how her son died, although it wasn't pretty...

Clark Kent's best friend? Sorry Pete Ross, but it's definitely Lana Lang here. Honestly I feel like they could have made Kyle Pete and that would've given us probably the most compelling version of Pete Ross ever, which I think is a testament to the show making Kyle a character that feels so real and worth empathizing with, which is something I never thought I'd say.

Steel might be in a better place now, but don't let that fool you, John Henry Irons has seen some @#$^ and he's not just a happy-go-lucky Superhero.

Chrissy needing to sell her paper makes me wonder who owns the Daily Planet now that Edge is a wanted fugitive and the military might've seized his assets.

I was wondering if Clark might slip by and come to the town hall as Superman to try and calm everyone down, although I'm not sure if that would've helped. Does the general public know this whole evil plot is the fault of Superman's Kryptonian half-brother?

I wonder if there's something to the fact that Jon's potential love interest was from Central City and her dad is in prison. Like, it feels like it's setting up that The Flash put her dad in prison, but I'm not sure if he was a Supervillain or a name character. Maybe they might address that if The Flash crosses over with SM&L next year as part of their five-part crossover story?

I'm thinking to myself that the quickest solution to the long-distance thing between Jordan and Sara is Jordan gaining super-speed so he can just visit her in a second whenever he wants, although that would probably raise questions. He couldn't even come up with a quick excuse when he repeated something Sara's mom said that he overheard with his super-hearing.

I understand why Sara is so upset but it's not really fair for her to fault her parents on this one. Like, the whole town hates them and doesn't want them working there, are they under any obligation to tough it out when there are better prospects outside Smallville? They did what they thought was right and the town turned on them for it.

Steel is now basically Thor with his own Mjolnir he can just fling and have fly wherever he needs it too and it's as awesome as it sounds .

Jeez, Lois was this close to repeating her death from John Henry's Earth, but Steel isn't about to let that happen again .

Well, Alexander Garfin now gets to play Kryptonian Palpatine in his body as Edge!Eradicator puts his father into Jordan's body. I wonder if this is going to unlock his full Kryptonian powerset?