Quote Originally Posted by hulkling View Post
Yeah they are corrupt but if you look into the goverment of Krakoa is not behind them in corruption. Shaw selling the drugs for his own profit and plotting against other members of the goverment, Apocalypse using Rogue and starting a war against otherworld and Sinister already with his own secret plans. I dont think the X-books are selling Krakoa as an example of a perfect goverment.
Oh, I never said they were, I'm not reading the X-books so I wouldn't even touch weighing in on whether Krakoa was good or bad, I have no opinion there at all. I was just adding on to the comment that all of humanity can't be blamed for the actions of their governments, which is especially true in the MU, because none of the governments are actually looking out for the best interests of the people. I mean, when you portray the US government as literally being under the thumb of the devil, Marvel isn't even being subtle about it. There is no thinly veiled symbolism here. There's no veil at all.