I want to step away from all the handwringing over mutant pride and polyamory to talk about how Jonathan Hickman is nothing but a ****ing fanboy.

First of all, he took our collective cynicism about death in the X-books and completely turned it on its head by rendering it moot and bringing back everyone. Now all his favorites and everyone else’s favorites are on the table. The ****ing nerve of that guy.

Second, he took the classic care bear stare that brought about the original demise of Krakoa and made it a centerpiece of Krakoan culture. Mutants working together to achieve the impossible? Pshaw

Third, he dares to pepper his books with subtle nods to the past, including lifting quotes from past comics so high priestess Storm could verify the identities of the heroes of Krakoa to the citizens of Krakoan. What kind of loser can’t even write his own material? A f***ing fanboy, that’s who.

Fourth, this man had the gall to admit he turned down several pitches from his peers that tore down parts of the mythology. Who the hell does he think he is? If other writers enjoy this cycle of destruction and don’t want to be additive, who is he to stop them?

What do you think about his decision to do these things?

What other things has he done to prove he’s nothing but a f***ing fanboy?

How else has his sense of entitlement served to lift up the franchise?

Did we even say we wanted to be lifted?