Quote Originally Posted by Lukmendes View Post
To be fair, I'll be surprised if she isn't going by "Ghost-Spider" lol.
I can't wait to see how they work it in!

Miles: I don't know man, I haven't heard from Gwen in months. It's like she's...ghosting me. Like a real Ghost Spider.

Ganke: Did you really just say that?

Miles: Yeah, it sounded dumb in my head too.
Hear hear, or at least she could get a costume that is some mix of Araña and the Arachne one, no idea if something like that would work though, but it can take just a few cues from one or the other to stand out.

Would it also be asking for too much to have the armor back? It was kinda silly, sure, but hey, gave her something more unique when compared to other spiders, and standing out among them is important.
If they're not going for Spider-Girl, then yeah...I think it would fit for them to do something different design-wise.
I think they should avoid something like Knull, like, Fisk worked in the movie because he's a character with motivations, helped make the movie more "grounded" even though it's about the multiverse, plus it's better to avoid symbiotes too, they can make it too convoluted.

But then again, maybe something that tries to kill Spiders around can work, just, give it more personality than Morluns/Knull lol.
Venom can work. And he's an established Spider-Man villain.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try and fit in "Gwenom" at some point, if not in this then the Spider-Women spinoff (if that's still happening).
I dunno, my example is from a different company but, Supes and Diana were a thing during New 52.

But problem is, if it happens in the comics it'd probably have the same issues, with the more popular one (That being Miles) overtaking the other, so it could end up screwing up Gwen.
And that was a very contentious relationship among fans for a lot of reasons, and most people figured the relationship was doomed from the start because you don't put two headliners in their own book into a relationship and expect it to last.

It's why all that fan-shipping of Kamala and Miles never went anywhere.
Could also limit the love interests in her own comic, but so far, I think she hasn't really shown interest in anyone?
Current fan-theory is Gwen's asexual, but who knows if that's how the writers actually view her.
Isn't that a really low bar?
Well, yeah...to be honest, I hope the Into the Spider-Verse franchise means the next Spider-Man cartoon isn't obligated to feature a bunch of Spider-People together with Spider-Man, even though it probably will.

(I guess counting the pre-school cartoon, it definitely will).
Quote Originally Posted by Spider-Chan View Post
Yeah, I've thought of the idea of combining both suits, I imagine something similar of her Avengers Assemble costume, kinda like Jolyne Cujoh from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Random trivia: Voice actor Kira Buckland is a massive JoJo fan, has cosplayed Jolyne on multiple occasions, and has voiced Gwen in a Marvel TL;DR video.
As for the armor, they should just look at Kamen Rider for inspiration.
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