Quote Originally Posted by jetengine View Post
Gaimans being a bit dense and possibly trolly in his account frankly. Scorsese clearly says their not cinema and uses his and other movies as an example of artistic cinema. When others point that out his only reply is "Have you read the article"
Scorsese is attacking Marvel and superheroes as a genre. Gaiman sees Scorsese as a natural ally since he has never been on board with the idea of superheroes being the be all and end all. Don’t see what’s to misunderstand there.

Quote Originally Posted by Scott Taylor View Post
Eh, if you take away the level of sentimentality in his comments there is a core of truth present. The MCU is about form over substance. They are very comic-bookey, in other words, in every sense of the word as a pejorative.

You simply never get the big moments of the great directors in these films, to make you think or consider anything philosophical or deeply meaningful. To put it in terms that are, sadly, familiar considering the season - the MCU films are basically like Hallmark Channel Christmas movies for a broader audience but mostly for guys. To put it in 1980s teen film terms, they are Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, not the Breakfast Club.
I think because superhero characters are extreme. They don’t die, don’t grow old, rarely have sex and morality wise you can’t have them be too compromised or flawed. Most movies which are considered great deal with characters who aren’t bound by that. Now of course there are exceptions like Logan but that’s not really representative of the genre.

They can’t really speak about big stuff like history. Captain America First Avenger will never be better than Casablanca, saving private Ryan, Best Years of Our Lives in terms of saying stuff about world war 2.

The Godfather and Chinatown were movies that were about criminals who get away, heroes who become corrupt and so on. You will never have a superhero movie that goes all the way there. If they do it will be a cliffhanger and have a stinger and next movie you will see it undone as happened with Thanos.