Quote Originally Posted by Midnight_v View Post
Thats actually what I meant. You don't want vigilante justice in real life.

The Punisher as an example but what you get is sanders florida in practice.

So no the last thing I want is some coward with a cape deciding he can take a life with impunity.
But... we might be looking at if from different angles as I live in DFW, were black people keep getting killed... some of us in our homes.

Its a different with alien invasion, but I don't want my friendly neighborhood supe, deciding to web up somones mouth till they die.
Instead wrapping them up for the police.

None of this translates well to real life, but I hope my feelings show through here.

Due Process even, piss poor, due process is better than "ME" deciding you're "EVIL" and don't get to live anymore.
I'm saying that when superheroes enter the equation you are already kissing due process goodbye. Whether they kill or not, these guys are engaging in vigilante justice.