
Not even in death, was the Nevadian free from such torment. After his harrowing ordeal, cleaning a portion of the grand palace, he was allowed the luxury of maintaining the same number of orifices he had previously.

...Even if there were quite a few close calls, as the minute tears in his pants could attest to, before being repaired via transmutation.

"Ohoh!" Whis said with an amused smile, "It seems you can even transmute! And even better, your purity techniques are more advanced than I thought! It's quite impressive that your people managed to grasp a sliver of divine technique on your own."

He nodded to Vados, who smiled in agreement.

"Tis True. But....It's a bit rudimentary." The pair looked at each other, and then the Nevadian. "We can make this better."

The Nevadian had opened his mouth to inquire as to the finer details---

"We graciously accept your aid." Crazy Horn interjected, "I myself can attest to how lackluster his arts are compared to my own."

"Hey!" Held shouted, clearly offended, "My rune slinging is top notch!"

"Your rune casting is barely fit to house the stables of the Grand Palace." Crazy Horn retorted, "You were considered above average, in a certain place, and a certain time. Your ancestors were far more proficient."

The Nevadian rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Tell me how you truly feel."

"Not that you are entirely to blame." The Lord of the Sunlit Plane continued. "During the transformation of Nevada, it seems that much was lost. Even the splendor of my own kind seems diminished from what it was."

However, if he had set a fraction of the time training and researching that he does drinking, he no doubt would have touched the root of divine power on his own.

"Now now, let's not be so negative!" the male angel stated, barely audible between large bites of a pasty, "It's never too late to improve! What's more this should be an easy enough fix! A little creation theory, some fundamentals of destruction negation, and an explanation of the fundamental balance of preservation, and your...."

He paused, looking at Vados.

"What did he call it, sister?"

"...Rune...Slinging?" She replied, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes! That thing will doubtless improve by leaps and bounds!"

Despite Crazy Horn's rather....brusque method of support, the angelic pair did a marvelously job of helping to maintain the Nevadians spirits.

"So...You'll teach me all that?"

The pair looked at one another, before shaking their heads in unison.

"Oh, no. It's something that is best understood on ones own! But, we'll be certain to test you, to make sure you're progressing nicely!" Vados replied with a smile that made the Nevadian feel....


"Oh.....Okay then. I guess I might as well get started."

If Held knew then what the two had planned, he would have ran screaming from the palace.

It had taken hours for Held to sort through the books housed in the grand library, according to the recommendations of Whis and Vados. So large, so immense were the volumes, so dense were the pages, his arms strained to carry the books out to a simple room of study. Piles of books taller and wider than Frospierre surrounded him.

His arms felt like noodles, and his soul felt a dread unlike any he had felt in quite some time. He glanced behind his chair to the exit.

Like an eternal warden, Crazy Horn loomed.

"Learn." He said simply, electrical energy crackling from his majestic being for emphasis.

"Yes. I know. I get it. Jeez. Can I atleast get a drin---"


"Jeez, a man can't even enjoy his vacation....."

With a grunt, the Nevadian flipped open the cover of a gargantuan tome.

He studied it's contents for a moment.

He frowned, before nodding his head in understanding.

He looked at the page blankly, his eyes instantly beginning to gloss over.

"I have absolutely no idea what any of this is."

"Then I will encourage you to learn!"

"Threats aren't the answer, Crazy Horn!" Held yelled in exasperation.

"Yes." Crazy Horn snorted in agreement, "The Promise of Violence is what will solve our problem. The threat is merely a means of conveying the promise of violence in a more diplomatic manner. I thought you would approve of my attempts to speak to you using the methods of your people."

Held rubbed his temples, already throbbing from the slightest glance at the his work.

"You can't learn this stuff by----"

"Sunlit Lords Piercing Horn!"

As if to challenge Held's theory, the majestic symbol of Unicorn Might began to glow a blinding white, so luminous that Held could barely look upon it's majesty. A majesty only rivaled by it's capacity for violence.

" ****! Okay!"