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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Apr 2014

    Default "Tarot" = Infinity Warps 2.0?

    This collection called my attention on the last two issues. Leaving aside the cartoonish characters, when the heroes were combined between, it called a lot my attention. On one hand, I thought this was like Infinity Warps again, but the situation was different. This wasn't two characters merged with each other, but characters cut in half and combined to each other. Some of the combination really called my attention:

    + Scarlet Strange: Scarlet Witch with part of Dr Strange's essence. Quite easy to combined two sorcerers together. I really liked this.
    + Doc Surf: Doctor Strange with part of the Silver Surfer. Not even my wildest dream I would have guessed this combination would give us a hippie.
    + Captain Cosmos: Silver Surfer with part of Captain America. Looks really good to me, and their personalities match.
    + Major Gamma: Captain America with part of Hulk's power. This could actually be like Doc Samson perfected for the army. They could have skipped the green skin.
    + Hulkoid: Hulk with part of Vision. It would be interesting if Vision's computer brain can succesfully control Hulk's power and temper.

    + Reaper: Vision with part of Valkyrie. It took me quite a time to realize this combination, as I didn't understand such design. Quite clever, a "ghost" with a "protector of the death".
    + Iron Maiden: Valkyrie with part of Iron Man. This could actually work in the Infinity Warps' world, as they combined Stark and Iron Man's "worlds".
    + Gadget: Iron Man with part of Thor. This part also confused me for a while. Shouldn't this combination be more similar to Iron Hammer?
    + Sturm Meister: Thor with part of Namor. Geez! Save yourselves! Two arrogant jerks for the price of one! I fear the result.
    + Imperious Hex: Namor with part of Scarlet Witch. For a long time, I though Namor had been combined with Hellstorm, even when it wasn't here, until realize it.

    Do you think these characters could work in the same world of the Infinity Warps? Also, I would like to see other Marvel characters combined in a similar way.

  2. #2
    Ultimate Member
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    May 2014


    Of those listed, an Atlantean Sorcerer (Dr. Strange + Namor) sounds like an interesting character in it's own right. I don't recall seeing much done with Atlantean mysticism, although I imagine there must be some.

    Valkyie + Iron Man seems like it should somehow involve somebody wearing the Destroyer like a suit of armor, since it's pretty much the 'Asgardian Iron Man' already.

    Amalgam's of Cap's Kooky Quartet sound fun.

    Captain America + Scarlet Witch = Captain Hex, with a shield of enchanted metal shaped like a pentacle, and various defensive magics, master of dispelling and dismissing type magics, but utterly incapable of using magic to cause harm, lest they rebound threefold upon them.

    Captain America + Quicksilver = Silver Shield, a super-soldier able to run at Mach 1 with a sleeker streamlined shield/bracer on each forearm for both defense and usable as a striking surface. Attacks in a blur, fast enough that all most see is a silver flash.

    Quicksilver + Hawkeye = Swiftshot, speedster with a bow, able to shoot dozens of arrows in a single second, and run nearly as fast as his own arrows. Could be combined with the above, for a Cap + Quicksilver + Hawkeye trifecta amalgam.

    Hawkeye + Scarlet Witch = Runebow, with an assortment of magical arrows they craft by inscribing Norse runes on the arrowheads, having various effects on their target (or on the arrow itself, such as using the Fehu (abundance) rune to cause the arrow, when fired, to split into dozens of arrows, or enlarge into a giant telephone-pole sized arrow!).
    Last edited by Sutekh; 03-02-2020 at 12:05 AM.

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