What can I say? I'm genuinely disappointed in this issue as a solvable mystery. I mean, almost paradoxically it was guessed correctly a while a go, but that required a wiki dive, and that basically made the suspect list the entire length of the DCU. At the very least Bendis was gracious enough to have Superman basically go "wait...who?" along with everyone else who didn't go swimming in the DCU wiki pool for answers. And if I'm being honest, I'm kind of disappointed where Leviathan in terms of his next move.

But I'd rather not bellyache about that anymore. It's over. It happened. But there's so much more that seems to be coming out of this issue. Apparently there's some news that's gonna drop later today. I also wanna see who joined Leviathan given who we see talking to him at the end there.

Really enjoyed how the whole book basically rounds off with Lois getting something published. That was a really nice way to frame the whole climax. And the art was absolutely out of this world.