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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member CGAR's Avatar
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    Default Fallen Angels [01] : Spoilers

    I was lazy and took spoilers and added my thoughts; sorry not sorry. I want to talk about this issue.

    In Tokyo a young girl witha butterfly tattoo on her neck puts a device on, gains powers, and destroys the train killing everyone and states the name: "Apoth."

    The eyes bleed black. Did anyone else think the Summoner had similar eyes?

    On Krakoa, Psylocke (Kwannon, but she is now refusing that name) receives a psychic message warning her that she needs to find this new god, Apoth, and kill it. The message tells her that Apoth has taken something of hers.

    Psylocke goes to Magneto for permission to leave Krakoa, but since Xavier's assassination, the island is on lockdown and no one is able to leave.

    He asks her what he should call her and she says she is going by Psylocke. They don't give a reasoning for it. It's just given to us very matter of fact. But I do hope the delve in to this a little more.

    But I guess since we're going with the retcon that she has been inside the body this entire time along side Betsy. She may feel like the name is hers as well.

    We know business-wise why she is keeping the name. But story wise why would she want to wear the costume and keep the name of the woman that inhabited her body for the last 10 yrs comic verse time. Magneto says that Betsy hates him. Well she did kill you. Even though I think you kind of allowed it.

    And asks her if she remembers when Betsy psy-knifed him. She says she is NOT Elizabeth Braddock. He denies her request, but suggests she contact Sinister as he may have some interest in her visions. Sinister doesnt find Psylocke boring, so he gives her permission to leave, but will not let her go alone. She tells him that no one on the island trusts her, but Sinister assures her she can find others who need to destroy something as much as she does.

    She finds X-23 and Cable who are sparring by a fire while everyone else is partying. Laura hates the safety of the island, and she and Cable agree that Psylocke is not a safe person. Betsy tries to speak with Psylocke but nuPsylocke says there is no need.

    I didnt really like this portrayal of their dynamic but I'm giving both writers an arc to sort out the Betsy/"Kwannon" interaction. I just hope they do not drag it out.

    Psylocke and Laura travel to Tokyo and learn that Apoth is a mysterious being who has put a new drug on the market: Overclock. Matsuo gets name dropped. Overclock is a digital narcotic that makes people go crazy...? A woman shows them a video of the train attack. The girl who carried out the attack has a butterfly tattooed on her neck...

    They are really driving in the butterfly point more towards nuPsylocke/"Kwannon"/I guess we dont really know her REAL name.

    ...a flashback shows that Kwannon had a baby daughter who was taken from her by her former master, who also gave her the name Kwannon. The baby was marked with a butterfly tattoo. Psylocke shares her past with Laura telepathically, and Laura is now all in to help her.

    Apoth took something from "Kwannon". It was her daughter who caused that train explosion while under Overclock

    They go to a barn outside of Tokyo full of children using Overclock. They try to help the children, but their devices activate, killing them in a mass overdose. One child survives, and Apoth speaks through him, warning Psylocke and Laura to leave him be. He then kills the child and vanishes.

    Psylocke and Laura return to Sinister with Cable. She tells him that if he keeps her team's existence secret from the council, she will bring him Apoth so he can take his genetics before she kills him. Sinister agrees and Psylocke tells Laura and Nathan to recruit a few more members that they can trust: "You're caterpillars. Glistening and soft. But I can make you butterflies."
    Last edited by CGAR; 11-13-2019 at 09:23 AM.

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