Quote Originally Posted by Lukmendes View Post
Oh yeah, and one thing that I remembered thinking about, is that the game could have the possibility of failing.

Part of the point of Spider-Man is that he doesn't always win, sometimes he gets his ass handed to him and he has to live with the consequences in case he can't solve it later, so what I'm suggesting is that, in some stuff, the player could fail, but not get a game over from it, so later you can solve it, or not and have to deal with it, and in the second case, it could have consequences you wouldn't expect.

Of course, implementing this would be a headache, but I think it'd be interesting to implement something so important about Spidey as a mechanic, and it could even make the player understand the frustration of being Spider-Man by making the player's own competence have consequences, as long as it doesn't go too far, 'cause while a certain level of frustation could be interesting, it can't be on the obnoxious level the comics can reach, bad enough to just read it, imagine playing that lol.
The only way to do that satisfyingly is Open-World RPG a la Witcher III.

Peter thinks he's doing the right thing and has to choose between two seemingly good options and you make the choice as Spider-Man not knowing which was the right thing or not. And each choice you make leads to the conclusion which can change based on the various consequences of your seemingly insignificant choices.