Quote Originally Posted by CookieOnTsunami View Post
I find it really funny how in Storm's case it has to be done in an X- Book for it to be acknowledged.. even when writers in other books acknowledged her being a goddess. Y'all are really showing out lmfao
I think bc she's always been referred to as a goddess since she was created but thats always been metaphorical and not literal. She being a goddess is ill defined and as of now, doesnt really add anything to her as a mutant in X-men lore. I still dont understand what this changed. Like what does being considered an actual goddess do for her now that she couldnt do before? I think the omega level status is more relevant here as it is built into X-lore more intimately. Aside from the occasional line of someone calling her a goddess, no writer has done anything with it in the X-books and made it make sense with her bc it doesnt really fit the narrative of the stories that are told here and Storm hasnt really drove X-stories in quite some time. Until that changes, yeah people will dismiss it