So, we all know what 5G is, right? It's the upcoming relaunch for the DCU that isn't a reboot, but rather it'll have characters taking over as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the big 6. Jon Kent seems all but confirmed to be our new Superman come 5G.

And the thing is, even though clearly Bendis will be leading the charge on defining Jon as Superman, Action and Superman aren't the only books where Superman will be featured. Williamson will likely be continuing on Batman/Superman, so he'll be adding to the characterization, but we also have Justice League. We know that'll be written by Venditti, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if this was something similar to how Priest did that comparatively short run before Snyder.

So, who'd you like to see writing Justice League, and, by extension, adding their voice to 5G Superman?