Sure, we talk about Dick going off to college. I've read multiple opinions on that, and have my own.

But what about the other changes? Wayne Foundation/Enterprises as an ongoing entity/business stuck. But Bruce working there day-in-day-out and being regarded as a capable businessman didn't so much (definitely in parts of the '90s he pretends to not being paying attention to it). And Bruce leaving the manor behind for the penthouse - could that ever happen now? Or do you think the power of status quo or Bruce's own emotional demons mean he could never leave the home that he lived in as a child?

Do you think it made sense for the character then or could now? Do you like it? When you were first exposed to the idea of Bruce moving to the city, did you like it?

Side note: I know when they moved back in the 1980s, it was Bruce's ancestral home. I know in some golden age stories he was said to have bought it as an adult. Does anyone know for sure what the first issue to treat as his parents' home was?