Sorry for the outburst, it's just I see criticism about the Donner movies and Reeve on Twitter constantly and the "cats in trees" thing is brought as a way of mocking detractors of the DCEU. As if that's the only thing people who didn't like Snyder's movie care about is menial things like that and Superman literally smiling in every scene. I'm sure I can speak for a lot of fans when saying that nobody expects Superman to be happy for the whole running time of the movie or to only engage in small acts of kindness and never get his hands dirty. There's also nothing wrong with bullies getting their comeuppance and it's not as if Clark beating up Rocky makes him an awful person. I mean, as many people here who would love to see an adaptation of social justice, rough and tumble vigilante Superman of the 30s, you'd think that scene wouldn't be so controversial.