I'm going to be honest: i know I'm in the minority here, but of the three X-Books that released today, this one was my favorite. With no further delay, though, let's get right to it.

  • We start with the preview. Ric is having trouble with his powers, yadda yadda.
  • Interestingly we never find out which telepath is talking to him from Krakoa.
  • Ric tried to get answers about his powers on some weird Mutant forum. He doesn't want to go to Krakoa in case he'll break the entire freakin' thing.
  • Cut to Otherworld. Morgan Le Fay contacts Marianne Stern and takes her to task over Captain Britain and Apocalypse.
  • Marianne does let it slip that the British public do not know that Betsy is Captain Britain now.
  • Cut to Betsy, Remy, Jubes, and Shogo - who turned himself into a dragon! Turns out that Shogo, as a human child, can be whatever he wants here because the faeries are fond of human kids.
  • Jubes is obviously worried about Shogo. We love a caring momma.
  • Shogo found Camelot, and Betsy wants to storm the castle. Remy and Jubes aren't on board at first, especially Remy because Rogue is alone with A back in the lighthouse.
  • Remy is eventually convinced and Betsy makes a really good point - as a mutant, if anything were happen to her Rogue is safe in a way that Shogo and Brian, as humans, are not now because of the resurrection protocols.
  • Shogo flies the group to Camelot. Jubilee forces Betsy to agree that that's all he'll do - fly them there.
  • The group gets to Camelot and storms the castle, but they're overwhelmed. Jubilee suggests that Betsy mind control the guards, but she can't - she mentions that it's almost like they're only half real. She can only read their thoughts, not do anything else!
  • Betsy convinces Jubilee to let her call in the cavalry so they don't all freakin' die - in comes Shogo with the save, via dragon fire!
  • As they're leaving, Dark Brian shows up. Can we start calling him Captain Camelot? I'mma call him Captain Camelot. Shocked at what's become of her brother, Betsy rushes him, hoping to bring him back to his sense.
  • Betsy pleads for Brian to come back to them. For her. For Meggan. For Maggie. For Jamie. It nearly works when Brian hears that Jamie is back - but Shogo, Jubes, and Remy 'save' Betsy and mess it up.
  • Remy and Jubes force a retreat. This next scene really got to me - Jubilee telling Betsy that she is Captain Britain for the first, real time.
  • Morgan also tells Betsy to take up her mantle telepathically. From one warrior queen to another. Long may they reign.
  • MI-13 is investigating the Otherworld incidents, it's revealed through the second data page. Characters to look into are the entire Braddock family, Kate Pryde, Kurt Wagner, Rachel Summers, Morgan Le Fay, and Courtney Ross. Mutants are not to be interrogated solo.
  • Apocalypse needs a master of stone itself to manage the Otherworld gates. So, he conscripts Rictor against his will.
  • When they get back to the Lighthouse - someone is waiting for them.
  • It's Pete Wisdom - and he's looking for Captain Britain, because the Queen needs her Captain!

Overall it wasn't a perfect issue, but it was fun. I'd give it a 7-8/10.