As expected, Doom didn't stay dead long....but will their be a price?

Writer Christopher Cantwell continues to weave an interesting tale in a new and chaotic chapter in his Doctor Doom series. Where the threads may lead is still not clear but to add to the intrigue another player has entered the game...Mistress Death herself.

It's only logical to assume that Cantwell wasn't going to kill Doom off in the second issue of the series but how he does it really opens up a tricky situation for Victor to find himself in. He now owes his life to Mistress Death who looks like she's hiring. I can't imagine that turning out well and debt or not you just know Dooms not going to be her obedient servant. We're also getting a sense that this particular point in time is crucial to a couple of futures. We've seen Dooms visions of the one where Doom lives and becomes the benevolent minister of the planet. But Kang tells him of the another timeline where Taskmaster does kill Doom and apparently things go to Hell in a handbasket as a result.

The most unexpected development was the appearance Doom's childhood friend Valeria. She was sacrificed to the Haazerth demons in Unthinkable. But Cantwell does something quite logical here and shows us that Mephisto ultimately was the one behind that scheme. But is she just an illusion or is this her soul that Mephisto possesses? One wonders if there will be another fight with Mephisto to reclaim her soul at one point.

Adam Brashear does track Doom down to Morgan Le Fey's safe house but soon gets dispatched by quick bit of magic by Doom. Don't know much about Blue Marvel but he better start getting interested in sorcery if he's going to keep up. But then Reed doesn't really like to deal with it either. Is there a team up with Doom in the future?

I found this issue highly entertaining and I want to shake Cantwell's hand for bringing back Valeria..... I think