I've noticed over the years that some Superman fans want his present to determine his Past and not his past to determine his future. At present we still have no origin Story for the current Superman but if on we was to surface it would be one determined by his end goal. That's not very organic in my eyes. As people may know I was a fan of the New 52 version of the character and whilst some of his future told of his past I thought they did a good job with it in not sugar coating things but it was still the future determining the past. If I am being honest I can't think of a Single Superman Story even the elseworlds that doesn't do this cause most stories are written from an outline and the writer knows where he wants the character to end up. Injustice started with dictator Superman and didn't even try to make the character Sympathetic as one would naturally try to do in such a scenario. All the sympathy went to Batman even though he was constantly escalating things. That and redeeming Harley. It's like future Superman is set in stone and the past just needs to catch up as quickly and as efficiently as possible.