Quote Originally Posted by powerpax View Post
I think the specific moment in the issue may be off but I understand Logan's POV (and generally agree with much of it when I'm not being buffeted by 'what about the good [majority]??' complaints in the face of genocide or horror). I just view it as a carry-over from the convo last issue. There's a lot more nuance to my politics IRL than when I read funnybooks, but even here I think Logan is just the counterbalance to Quentin. That's all I've got on that.

And I'm not going to claim, even by the standards of performative CBR drag, that Logan or these pages smack of Charlottesville. As a gay Jew who's so glad his grandparents are already dead and gone in the wake of incidents like that (or after their own local synagogue got shot up) that's a bridge too far for me. YMMV.
I am just glad this is solid discussion with some substance ,I mean it is better convo than X23 who is about 20 can learn from Kwannon who is about maybe 27( and missing maybe 3 or 4 years in world time) or why is Glob still in X-books.