Quote Originally Posted by Ambaryerno View Post
So yeah, NXM fans are cheesed because after being told “sorry, they’re not as popular as Character X, Y, or Z,” Marvel puts out THIS book which is pretty literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I'd kinda like a 'Thunderbolts' style team of mutants more traditionally associated with villainy, but would prefer a lineup made up of people from Mutant Force/the Resistants, the Acolytes, the original Hellions, the Mutant Liberation Front and maybe even the Nasty Boys or Dark Riders, than most of these people. I definitely think there's some potential, and a lot of interesting characters tucked away in those groups (Tempo! Catseye! Frenzy! Unuscione! Mellencamp?), that could shine with a little development.

And wow, how much has Havok fallen to be on a team with Nanny, Orphan-Maker, Scalphunter, etc. "Let's make a team of villains and outcasts! The last people anyone would expect! Oh, and that 'call me Alex' jerk! He's at least as bad as the architect of the Morlock Massacre!"