Quote Originally Posted by Godlike13 View Post
Not really. Dick cheated on Kory with Babs, which not his best moment, but you tell Babs no in that situation. BTW Devin Grayon had no hand in the Annual, so while she certainly did some bad shit with Dick, that one is not on her. I can't recall him sabotaging her though, but he has try to steal her (or rescue her depending on how you look at it), and he was the one who tried to commit with her and she rejected it. Dick has been horrible to Kory, but when it comes to Babs he usually bends over backwards for her. Actually check that, as Ric he was a POS to her.
I don't know if this counts as sabotaging or "stealing", probably the latter, but near the end of Batgirl New 52, there was the issue where Dick suddenly shows up after she assumed he was dead the whole time to try and crash her friend's wedding and force her into a situation where he can playfully flirt with her, despite her already being in a relationship with Luke, in which she then chewed him out for how bad all of that was.

And in terms of Dick's committing issues, there was the Nightwing Annual where Barbara decides they should just try and do it because the timing will never be right so they shouldn't just keep waiting, and Dick's the one who leaves just because he felt he couldn't stay in one place.