It definitely seems like marvel is given preferential treatment to the x-corner of the MU at the expense of the other properties. Non-mutant characters are being written as bigots or getting dragged in their own books(She-Hulk). Some are being punked or threatened and not pushing back or defending themselves(Reed Richards). And still others are portrayed as incompetent or weak or wrong and marvel is effectively saying mutants can do it better(The Avengers and Abigail/Sword situation). So the question becomes how far does this go before there is some pushback? How long until non x-writers and non x-fans get sick of seeing their favorite characters disrespected and written down to push Krakoa. How long until many become tired of the blatant X-men favoritism that seems to be coming from marvel? Hickman appears to be marvel's golden boy and seemingly has free reign to do whatever he wants in his goal of pushing the x-franchise to the top. And it looks like throwing non-mutant characters under the bus and character assassinating others is going to be the norm. If one is an x-fan then life is good but if one is not then you are in for a dismal time. Marvel appears to have no qualms in downplaying and disrespecting it's non-mutant characters in favor of elevating the x-line. And it's even more distressing that some non x-writers(Ewing)are dragging their own characters in favour of the X-men. It's like they're auditioning for a writing job on an x-book(which Ewing successfully got). I suspect we will see more of this, Black Panther, Thor, Spider-man, ect; no one is safe and all are expendable on the alter of Hickman's X-men.