Quote Originally Posted by Iopy View Post
You’d think DC would be getting tired of that one by now.
DC never gets tired of bad ideas.

Anyway, solicits look fun. Not thrilled about Romita on Action; I thought his art on Year One was the best he's put out in ages but.....Action isn't a JRJr style book, I think. Still, a big war in Metropolis between rival criminal factions is always fun and that title has been solid since Bendis came on.

Superman looks good. I actually kinda feel like, for a while Superman was the weaker title while Action was knocking it outta the park, but now that the Leviathan thing has happened and Clark's building the UP, Action might become the weaker title and Superman will be the book with a stronger focus. Maybe? I'm really hoping this big fight with Mongul is actually a political debate! Wouldn't that throw everyone for a loop!?

Jimmy and Lois' books look amazing. Had to trade wait these because I have absolutely no time and why spend the money when it'll take months to get around to reading them, but I cannot wait.

League sounds.....kinda bland, honestly. After multiversal war I'm not interested in seeing these guys struggle with the frikkin Eradicator. Venditti also hasn't thrilled me with his work either, though Freedom Fighters is one of the best things on the stands right now. Might give it an issue before dropping it, just in case we get "Freedom Fighters" Venditti instead of that other guy who wrote GL.

Supergirl sounds awful, but that's largely how her book has been for years and I'm not reading it anyway.

Batman-Superman sounds fun. I'm all about "political frenemy" Zod and Ra's is always fun to read so I'm definitely interested in this one. Plus, someone finally picks up the Kandor plot! About time!

Legion sounds.....okay? I enjoyed the first issue a lot but I'm not sure where it's supposed to be going.