View Poll Results: Should Kylo Ren and Rey be a couple.

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  • Yes

    7 11.86%
  • No

    52 88.14%
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  1. #121
    Oni of the Ash Moon Ronin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    It would be kind of hard to bury Leia's saber on Alderaan. Plus it's sort of a family cemetery anyway-Luke's grandmother is buried there, as are his stepfamily (Including Cleigg I think probably). The only one really missing is Padme, presumably still buried (or her ashes, as she was being driven to the same place Qui-Gon was) on Naboo.
    Always wondered if Luke and Leia knew about Padme at some point, The only ones that could have told them are Bail Organa (dead), The Lars family (also dead), Obi-Wan ,and Yoda.
    Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting

  2. #122
    Ultimate Member WebLurker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Ronin View Post
    Always wondered if Luke and Leia knew about Padme at some point, The only ones that could have told them are Bail Organa (dead), The Lars family (also dead), Obi-Wan ,and Yoda.
    The Poe Dameron comic series seems to indicate that she learned the about her birth mother at some point prior to the sequel trilogy. (The current explanation for Leia's "memory" in ROTJ seems to boil down to something she's not sure if her brain just invented on its own or if there was any truth to it, like a Force thing.)
    Doctor Strange: "You are the right person to replace Logan."
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  3. #123
    Astonishing Member Darkspellmaster's Avatar
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    What pisses me off about this is that there was clearly a different story going on in the earlier stages. LFL threw out JJ's notes for the next parts. They made him change things for Rian, like Luke still being connected to the force. It was clear that Rey was supposed to be connected to the Skywalkers, either as Luke's kid or Ben's sister. Why else would Anakin's saber call to her. Why else would she see what she saw in the force back?

    There was no reason for a Palpatine to see any of that. The whole thing with Ben and Rey being siblings would have made more sense, if they had stuck with the plan of having Lando be Finn and Jannah's father as hinted at in his section of the Visual Dictionary. In it it mentions Lando and Luke looking for his kids. The FO kidnapped Finn and Jannah. Its pretty clear those two were going to be related. Think about it the daughter of Luke or Leia fighting with Lando's son to stop Palpatine or Ben, the man who killed Lando's best friend and Luke's brother or Leia's husband. It fits the themes of the story better than what we got.

    For me the kiss felt like a slap in the face. Non of the actors wanted it. Not Daisy, who had been noted for disliking the pairing, not Adam who clearly was phoning it in for that scene (watch his other works and see the difference there) and who had been promised a villain who was a reversed Anakin, ie: he stayed bad (shown heavily in concept art), and not JJ who is rumored to have fought with KK a lot about this cut of the movie.

    As for John, how is he being unprofessional when people are being Racist to him and have been since he first showed up in the trailer. Both JJ and Daisy fought to have him as the co star in this, and I highly doubt if Finn had been a white actor that people would be saying he should be relegated to side kick. White actors have said worse to their fans, Harrison Ford out right said he dislikes SW fans, and Robet Pattison said Twilight fans were creeps and freaks. But John is the unprofessional here. Seriously?!

    Honestly I hope that they toss the ST aside, maybe say there was a Rey and Finn as Jedi that were taught by Luke, but other than that just start over because this whole thing went into the trash bin.
    Last edited by Darkspellmaster; 01-19-2020 at 02:33 AM.

  4. #124
    Ultimate Member WebLurker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    What pisses me off about this is that there was clearly a different story going on in the earlier stages. LFL threw out JJ's notes for the next parts. They made him change things for Rian, like Luke still being connected to the force.
    Where'd that come from? Luke ignoring the Force and then coming back was Johnson's ideas (which, to be fair, is one of the only reasons Luke staying away from civilized space and not being involved makes any sense).

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    It was clear that Rey was supposed to be connected to the Skywalkers, either as Luke's kid or Ben's sister. Why else would Anakin's saber call to her. Why else would she see what she saw in the force back?
    Problem is, that scene was the first piece of evidence that Rey wasn't a Skywalker (when Maz tells her that her family isn't coming back, but she could still go and find Luke, which makes no sense if Luke was family). The Force vision contains a mix of stuff that is about the Skywalkers, but also a lot about her own life. And there's no reason the saber could only call to her if she was a Skywalker.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    There was no reason for a Palpatine to see any of that. The whole thing with Ben and Rey being siblings would have made more sense, if they had stuck with the plan of having Lando be Finn and Jannah's father as hinted at in his section of the Visual Dictionary. In it it mentions Lando and Luke looking for his kids. The FO kidnapped Finn and Jannah. Its pretty clear those two were going to be related. Think about it the daughter of Luke or Leia fighting with Lando's son to stop Palpatine or Ben, the man who killed Lando's best friend and Luke's brother or Leia's husband. It fits the themes of the story better than what we got.
    Rey and Kylo were about ten years apart. Pretty tricky to make siblings out of that (not to mention the plot holes given that nowhere was it ever suggested that Han and Leia had more then one child.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    For me the kiss felt like a slap in the face. Non of the actors wanted it. Not Daisy, who had been noted for disliking the pairing, not Adam who clearly was phoning it in for that scene (watch his other works and see the difference there) and who had been promised a villain who was a reversed Anakin, ie: he stayed bad (shown heavily in concept art), and not JJ who is rumored to have fought with KK a lot about this cut of the movie.
    I didn't like it either, myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    As for John, how is he being unprofessional when people are being Racist to him and have been since he first showed up in the trailer. Both JJ and Daisy fought to have him as the co star in this, and I highly doubt if Finn had been a white actor that people would be saying he should be relegated to side kick. White actors have said worse to their fans, Harrison Ford out right said he dislikes SW fans, and Robet Pattison said Twilight fans were creeps and freaks. But John is the unprofessional here. Seriously?!
    I did think the complaints against him were overkill, at the very best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    Honestly I hope that they toss the ST aside, maybe say there was a Rey and Finn as Jedi that were taught by Luke, but other than that just start over because this whole thing went into the trash bin.
    Liked the first two a lot and the third one enough to not want to see it just forgotten.
    Doctor Strange: "You are the right person to replace Logan."
    X-23: "I know there are people who disapprove... Guys on the Internet mainly."
    (All-New Wolverine #4)

  5. #125
    Empty is thy hand!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tofali View Post
    I don't get it. I just equate the appeal of Reylo to some women's fascination to serial killers.
    Scary, but I think that's accurate, and totally unforeseen by the filmmakers. What a mess.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastieRunner View Post
    Well, her grandfather did ...
    I'm sure Palpy was a very healthy man. He had a wife or a mistress whom he spent some quality time with when not scheming. He probably had a child with her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beaddle View Post
    The kiss never felt part of the movie. it felt as if it was a gag they didn't cut. really bad. Still can't believe JJ Abrams sunk so low to slip in a fan fic homage at the expense of the story that was already so weak.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    For me the kiss felt like a slap in the face. Non of the actors wanted it. Not Daisy, who had been noted for disliking the pairing, not Adam who clearly was phoning it in for that scene (watch his other works and see the difference there) and who had been promised a villain who was a reversed Anakin, ie: he stayed bad (shown heavily in concept art), and not JJ who is rumored to have fought with KK a lot about this cut of the movie.
    How can it be a ‘gag’ when Kylo told Rey she mattered to him and asked her not once but twice to be with him? How can it be a gag when Kylo had so many opportunities to kill Rey but allowed her to live because he likes her? How can it be a gag when Rey told Ben that she wanted to take his hand (and be with him)? The kiss at the end was actually well done and made sense. Not only did it address their attraction over the last 3 films but it also made sense, given the fact that he had saved her life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkspellmaster View Post
    What pisses me off about this is that there was clearly a different story going on in the earlier stages. LFL threw out JJ's notes for the next parts. They made him change things for Rian, like Luke still being connected to the force. It was clear that Rey was supposed to be connected to the Skywalkers, either as Luke's kid or Ben's sister. Why else would Anakin's saber call to her. Why else would she see what she saw in the force back?

    There was no reason for a Palpatine to see any of that. The whole thing with Ben and Rey being siblings would have made more sense, if they had stuck with the plan of having Lando be Finn and Jannah's father as hinted at in his section of the Visual Dictionary. In it it mentions Lando and Luke looking for his kids. The FO kidnapped Finn and Jannah. Its pretty clear those two were going to be related. Think about it the daughter of Luke or Leia fighting with Lando's son to stop Palpatine or Ben, the man who killed Lando's best friend and Luke's brother or Leia's husband. It fits the themes of the story better than what we got.
    The whole thing is a boring derivative paint-by-numbers action feature—it’s fan fiction. It’s essentially a copy and paste of the OT. And much of it comes across as a lazy soap opera. Much of it has the same faults that TFA had, in that it’s nothing but a repeat of ANH. TROS was different, more cerebral and a character driven story which is the hallmark of good storytelling

    People complain about Rey being a Palpatine and that it’s forced. I don’t see how that can be when her parentage was never fully addressed. We know she was dropped on Jakku, but never told by who or why. I also think that linking her to Palpatine. Forced Rey to once again to decide who she was going to be. That’s far more interesting than someone going around shooting people. Further the whole ‘messianic trope is clichéd and was already covered in Anakin’s story.

  7. #127
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Ronin View Post
    Always wondered if Luke and Leia knew about Padme at some point, The only ones that could have told them are Bail Organa (dead), The Lars family (also dead), Obi-Wan ,and Yoda.
    The canonical version of Luke & Padme finding out about Padme I think is the novel Bloodlines. Basically, a message from Bail is recovered telling Leia her true heritage, which pretty much ends her political career for obvious reasons (It takes place roughly 5 years before TFA). In Marvel's comics she visited Naboo a few times and had some force senses around it that there was something familiar.

    The old Legends version is basically from Troy Denning's Swarm War series (Which takes place at the same "time" as the sequel trilogy) where Luke discovers R2's long supressed memories of the prequel era (There's another trilogy, Black Fleet Crisis, where Luke searches for the whereabouts of his mother who might still be alive but it turns out to be a ruse). Denning sort of had a thing for trying to link prequel stuff to the current EU. His novel Tatooine Ghost is pretty much Han and Leia discovering many details about Anakin's past on Tatooine.

    The Visual Dictionary for TROS BTW tries to tie Leia's memory of her mother to her vision of her son during the flashback. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  8. #128
    Oni of the Ash Moon Ronin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    The canonical version of Luke & Padme finding out about Padme I think is the novel Bloodlines. Basically, a message from Bail is recovered telling Leia her true heritage, which pretty much ends her political career for obvious reasons (It takes place roughly 5 years before TFA). In Marvel's comics she visited Naboo a few times and had some force senses around it that there was something familiar.

    The old Legends version is basically from Troy Denning's Swarm War series (Which takes place at the same "time" as the sequel trilogy) where Luke discovers R2's long supressed memories of the prequel era (There's another trilogy, Black Fleet Crisis, where Luke searches for the whereabouts of his mother who might still be alive but it turns out to be a ruse). Denning sort of had a thing for trying to link prequel stuff to the current EU. His novel Tatooine Ghost is pretty much Han and Leia discovering many details about Anakin's past on Tatooine.

    The Visual Dictionary for TROS BTW tries to tie Leia's memory of her mother to her vision of her son during the flashback.
    I read Bloodlines when it first came out I'll have to look and see.
    Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting

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