We all have our top favorites in DC's families. Favorite Green Lantern. Favorite Flash. Favorite Bat family member.

But what about those in our second favorite spot? Those that we also really like a lot but just didnt quite make it to our number one? This is a thread to show some of your favorites some love even if they didnt make it to your top spot. List why you like these heroes but they just didnt quite make it to your all time best.

Here are some of mine.

Bart is so great. Hilarious and great personality that is unique and a lot of fun. But as much as I like Bart Wally is still my favorite.

Kyle Rayner.
A very likable character with a great costume and interesting progression. But Hal Jordan is my number one being deeper and a more fun character with his willpower and fearlessness.

Tim Drake.
Tim is persistent and has a great heart. But Dick beats him by being more fun and having a deeper background .

Conner Kent.
Really fun character who really contrasted nicely with Superman with his brash personality and unique abilities.
With all that though Superman is still one of the all time greats which cant be denied so he still takes the top spot for best Super family member.