Quote Originally Posted by Nomads1 View Post
WWII for me. Though I enjoy the Invaders when they have present day gatherings/adventures, I never feel them as relevant as in the war scenario. Back in the day, THEY were the top dogs. Nowadays, they merely feel like another of the various Avengers groups, a little bit redundant. I also miss the other fringe groups such as the Liberty Legion, the Kid Commandos and the Nazi teams. That said, I intend to stick with the current book. As Rheged said, I enjoy the characters and the dynamic of the team, so I'll take them when I can get them.

I DO like the WWII II Invaders stories, but I like many movies of and about the 30s and 40s. I'm not sure I agree they feel like an Avengers group, though. They aren't really a team when they show up in the present, so much as comrades in arms who are called upon by one of their own to help out.

Quote Originally Posted by MyriVerse View Post
While I don't really care, I really do think the WWII era has been mined to death and should forevermore be left alone, unless it has a direct bearing on the present.
I wouldn't go that far. There's plenty of stories of that era that could be told more 'realistically' like I think Paul Jenkins tried to do with ALL WINNERS SQUAD. Though, considering the sales on that mini-series, I'm not so sure Marvel fans are interested in that era.