Just saw it again. While I do see the flaws, I still enjoyed it. The story was all over the place, the editing was wonky for the first third of the movie, but the performances were good. And I'm glad they were able to give Carrie Fisher a proper send off.

That being said, can we all agree that JJ Abrams is an tremendously overrated director. He's great a visually telling a story, but with everything else, he sucks. The guys should just be a DP and leave the real directing to people with talent.

Also, it is now painfully obvious that there was never an outline drawn up for these three movies. If they had made a set outline of who the characters are, where the started from and where they were going to end up, and if they had created the bare bones of a cohesive narrative, this trilogy could have been so much better. As it is, it feels like JJ created a story full of his f'ing mystery boxes, and either didn't tell Rian his thoughts on what should come next, or he did and Rian just ignored him, and then JJ tried to bring it back to the story he wanted to tell. In either case, while some blame has to go to both directors, I'm putting the bulk of the blame on Kathleen Kennedy and Disney. They royally screwed the pooch, and the only person to come out looking good in this whole mess is George Lucas, because suddenly the Prequels are looking a whole lot better.

Also- I wonder if they are trying to set up future movies focusing on Finn and those other former Storm Troopers becoming Jedi. It sounded to me like all of those who deserted did so because they felt the Force.

I also loved the fact that the last thing we see Lando doing is picking up a lady. Some things never change.

And hey- they didn't kill Lando! I guess because Leia died, they didn't need to kill two original cast members in this movie.

Quote Originally Posted by Revolutionary_Jack View Post
The only part of Star Wars that reminded me of video games is one moment that feels like an Uncharted puzzle (you'll know it when you see it) but that also reminded me of Indiana Jones, because again a lot of games (and not just Uncharted) are inspired by Indiana Jones movies.
It's funny you bring up Indiana Jones. At the end, when Rey turns Palpatine's lightning back on his face, when it started burning away I was getting flashbacks to Raiders when they opened the Ark.

Quote Originally Posted by Buried Alien View Post
The Sith probably have some Dark Side Force power that enabled them to alter their appearance to be as attractive as they desired or needed.

Buried Alien (The Fastest Post Alive!)
He probably influenced the Midichlorians to create life in some woman, probably from Tattooine.

Quote Originally Posted by Godzilla2099 View Post
Luke was in no way a Mary Sue.

- Ben had to save him at the cantina
- He struggled with a training droid
- Vader almost shot Luke down if it wasn't for Han
- His father handed his a$$ to him in a duel
- Luke made his share of mistakes

Luke was able to fly an X-Wing because the movie already established several times he had experience as a pilot

Now we have Rey

- Flies the Falcon against TIE Pilots (Even Rey said she had no experience as a pilot)
- Resists mind control
- Uses Mind Control
- Telekenisis
- Never picked up a lightsaber and beats Kylo Ren
- Zero mistakes
(All this happens in the first movie)

And No, people aren't attacking Rey because of her gender. She's in no way some breakthrough sci-fi heroine

Captain Kathryn Janeway: Studied at Starfleet, served as a Science Officer before being promoted to Captain. Definitely made her share of mistakes
Ahsoka Tano: Trained at the temple and with Plo Kloon before joining Anakin. Had some wreckless moments (her Master wasn't exactly the stern type)

Now you have Rey: She does all this crap after hearing the force is real

Rey is a Mary Sue. Skills out of nowhere, no mistakes. Even revealing her lineage doesn't make this character interesting. Wasn't Anakin or Luke that defeated the Emperor to bring balance to the force. Of course, its Rey.
Okay, just having rewatched TFA-

Rey said she never flew the Falcon before. I don't recall her ever saying she never flew at all. I know she stayed on the planet, but it felt like she had some piloting skills- probably from her speeder. Kind of like how Anakin could suddenly fly a starfighter after only ever having piloted Podracers in Episode I.

Her innate use of the Force- again, Anakin did the same things to a degree in Episode I. He used the Force for Podracing. As for Rey's ability to use all of those abilities- well, I chalk that up to her being Poppa Palpatine's Granddaughter. Of course she'll be strong in the Force, and of course she'll start using abilities that she never had before.

Rey beating Kylo... sigh. Kylo had just killed his father, and then had been shot in the side. He was wounded and distracted. Also, Finn got a shot in on him first before Rey got the lightsaber.

And Rey did make mistakes, just not many of them. She did let loose the Rathtars on Han's ship.. but yeah, that seems to be the only real mistake I can think of in the first movie.