DCEU as we know it is effectively dead, but if there's a will, there's a way. This could be a learning experience for everyone involved, taking what went wrong and trying anew with something better. What's frustrating is that a DC Cinematic Universe could be just as good as the MCU, and the blueprint for how to make it work was right in front of them, but they completely squandered it. I think one of the things that went wrong was having no real architect, just a bunch of suits who had no idea what they were doing. There was no Kevin Feige for the DCEU.

Say you're the Kevin Feige, how do you reboot DC's movies in a shared setting?

For me, here's how I would do it:
  • Emphasize the need to build the heroes and their sub-settings first, think about crossover elements later. DCEU just tried to do too much, too fast, and rush to the big payoff they thought would be Justice League. It failed.
  • Add a connective element to The Batman and The Suicide Squad, the former a confirmed reboot and the latter heavily rumored to not be in the same universe as the original SS. If both are hits, we can move from there.
  • Retroactively tie Shazam to this new universe, and then tie Black Adam to Shazam. Black Adam will have him facing the Justice Society, so you can establish them as part of the new DC's history and could lead to a spin-off of their own.
  • Weld both Wonder Woman and Aquaman to the new universe, perhaps doing it with Flashpoint-esque shenanigans with the upcoming Flash movie. Or just don't explain it. Whatever works.
  • If all of this works out, make several movies and perhaps shows after this that all tie into the new universe. The most obvious being a new Superman, and of course make sequels to the previous movies. They could tie Green Lantern as being part of this universe, and make more shows from there.
  • Finally, take a second chance with a new and better Justice League.

I've heard in the past that DC is planning to have J.J. Abrams and James Gunn be the architects of a new DCU, so we'll see if that happens and how it works out. If they get momentum going, build quality movies that tie together, and produce hit after hit that we all love, we can get something just as great as the MCU. The reason the MCU was the only one who could make a shared cinematic universe work is because they saw the whole journey, not just the end. DC can do that too, and be a real competitor just like in the comics.

Anyways, what would you do?