Cankor in March from AdHouse Books


by Matthew Allison.
Published by AdHouse Books

A young man makes a rare excursion outside the comfort of his home to see a rock & roll show. That choice is met with violence and humiliation. When he calls out for help to his unresponsive savior (the sad sack cyborg CANKOR), it sets off a cherry bomb of psychedelic mayhem. A candy colored nightmare of tangled wires, bubbling flesh and the towering corpses of superhumans… CANKOR takes a deep dive into parts of the brain that are better left sealed.

Michael DeForge meets Frank Quitely.

112 4C pages
6 " x 9 " SC
$19.95 US funds
ISBN 978-1-935233-53-4
Shipping March 2020
Diamond Order Code: JAN20 1430

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