I've asked this about the 80s and the 90s, but what are the most important Spider-Man comics of the 70s?

The first draft of my list.

10. Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man #1: Launch of a satellite book. This marks the first time that big events in Peter's life are supposed to happen outside Amazing Spider-Man.
9. Amazing Spider-Man #96-98: Stan Lee pushes against the comics code.
8. Amazing Spider-Man #88-90: Death of popular supporting character overshadowed by later tragedies.
7. Amazing Spider-Man #147-149: This was the original clone saga, and the first time a writer provided an ending to their run.
6. Marvel Team Up #1: It's the first satellite, It's also when Spider-Man starts interacting with the Marvel Universe a lot more, and marks a more heroic/ sympathetic turn for Sandman
5. Amazing Spider-Man #194-195: Black Cat's debut.
4. Amazing Spider-Man #136-137: Harry Osborn Green Goblin saga turns the goblin saga into one of legacy.
3. Amazing Spider-Man #100-102: Stan Lee's run ends/ first Morbius
2. Amazing Spider-Man #129: The Punisher/ the Jackal
1. Amazing Spider-Man #121-122: Everything changes

What would you guys do differently?