So..."Remake Ep. 8". I've been reading rumblings of this and having this discussion with friends. What are your thoughts? At first I shrugged at the thought, but now that I think of it actually could make sense and be justified.

To be transparent, I did not enjoy Ep 8, The Last Jedi. But regardless of my personal dislike of the movie, I think there are some good reasons to have JJ Abrams re-do the middle episode:

1. He did the first. He did the last. The middle one doesn't seem to flow/fit well with his start & end. I've had conversations with casual Star Wars fans who have said "What was up with that last one?". One even said, "I fell asleep". Yes, anecdotal but examples none the less.
2. To many, things done in Rise Of Skywalker were done to "correct" things done in The Last Jedi. Perhaps not negate, but "counter". Why not have a middle movie that won't have the feel of the third movie contradicting it? That's a better story and experience for the audience.
3. Even if you liked Johnson's Ep. 8, it doesn't seem to tie the two movies together well.
4. There could be a ton of money to be made. And another Skywalker movie, would be a draw to many.
5. Disney could find another Star Wars project for Rian Johnson, perhaps helming a Disney+ SW series. Basically a different platform, other than the Skywalker story, to craft his type of SW story.