Quote Originally Posted by Thirteen View Post
Also DEAD.
Regardless of intentions for where that would lead, Jean was dead at the end of Morrison’s run.
Which is fair, I should mention that I meant before the events of Planet X when I said that.

And when it comes down to it, her character didn't need to be killed off in the first place and she certainly didn't need to be kept dead for so long... something that we're well aware was due to an editorial vendetta.

The point being that the only thing that needed to be rebooted about Jean's character was getting people's eyes on her and that's what Bendis did. Hickman had nothing to do with it. And then building off of that we had Cullen Bunn making people enjoy teen Jean and then Tom Taylor is the one that established adult Jean in the eyes of modern times. Not Hickman. Hickman didn't do anything for that.

And if you want to credit someone for bringing her back you have Mark Paniccia to thank for that. He's the one that finally made it happen.