Quote Originally Posted by GuiltyPleasure View Post
Oh, I definitely take your point about Nakia on the cover. But it could simply mean some kind of confrontation between Nakia and N'Jadaka. It might be too on the nose with the cover to have her be a traitor. I wouldn't care if Coates went that route but I think it would take away from a lot of what he's built up, including the conversation between Ororo and Nakia. When Ororo learned of T'Challa and Nakia's relationship, she researched the woman and deemed her an honorable and trustworthy soldier/person. I don't know if Coates would undermine T'Challa's and Ororo's good sense about a person. It does still beg the question as to who is the spy.

So, BP #21 and Giant Size X-Men with Storm are this Wednesday. Depending on her depiction in each, this Wednesday could be awesome for Storm fans.
that's true too. maybe she tries to confront him or is captured and then killed by him. and food point about ororo researching her. hopefully we find out what happened to her and m'Baku this issue.

and yes@!! I cant wait until weds!!! I think it's going to be a damn good day!