Quote Originally Posted by AmiMizuno View Post
If Nightwing were to ever get a black label any ideas where to start?
Let's see... the darkest mature point in Nightwing history would be when he let Tarantula shot Blockbuster after he systematically destroyed his life, and was so mentally broken that he couldn't prevent her raping him, and coercing him to marry her.

So... mobster... dark and stormy nights... sexy women with dubious consent... the slaughter of friends... maybe add Scarecrow's hallucination while we're at it since he's in both Bludhaven and Rebirth Bludhaven

Like, noir, but instead of being a grizzled hard-boiled detective, he straddles the line between protagonist and victim

Oh you mean a story I actually want to read?

Hmmh... don't know actually, since I'm not really interested in a mature story...