Quote Originally Posted by Godlike13 View Post
Titans done wrong, done right Titans pivots away from Jr JL. As Nightwing should pivot from Jr Batman. As out of favor as it might be Titans still has more upside for Dick then JL would. Nightwing is in a weird position where being in the JL isn't going to bring with it a solo he doesn't already have. At best he'll get to stand around in events maybe, but even that is something he already does. And it would have no benefit outside of comics. Where they are telling the stories isn't really what matters but how they are telling the stories. The current creators on Ric pulled every Gotham resource they could. Whether borrowing toy's from Batman's toy box, or playing in Batman's toy box. Both equate to the same thing. As long as they have Nightwing try to emulate the same formulas he's going to come off as Batman-lite.
What upside do the Titans have? When was the last good Nightwing Titans story? The only thing the Titans can offer up is being a team Dick can lead. If that is important to you then that is the team you will be stuck with. The same way Bludhaven offers up the chance for Dick to have his own city, but just like being stuck in Bludhaven him being in the Titans offers him far less actual functional opportunity for stories than the JL would even if he is in a lesser role in the JL. We have more than enough comic evidence to prove that out at this point. The Titans are never going to come close to recapturing their NTT era success and are a minor league team to the JL's major league one at this point. Two seasons of a live action Titans TV has lead to fuck all in the comics, so I don't care about how the comics effect other media at this point either. Dick going to the JL will have zero impact on how he is used in other media anyway, or really even effect his solo comic probably.

It all comes down to what you want for the character. I don't care about Dick leading a team anymore. What I want is Dick to have some kind of proper role in the DCU. Where he is actually involved in big stories where his character feels important. You have so many big stories going on constantly and Dick is completely uninvolved or just used as fodder in them. That will never change unless the character is put in a better position to be properly involved and from what I can see that is the JL. Since that is where a lot of these stories spawn from or revolve around. I'm at the point where I don't even care about him leading these big DCU stories, but him being involved in the B or C plots of them would be a step up from where he is.

As for the Bludhaven pulling characters from Gotham thing, I think that is a separate issue. That is more to do with Bludhaven being devoid of anything people actually care about and being unable to create or contain interesting elements itself independently because of how dull it is. So they have to drag villains from Gotham to try and elevate the Bludhaven stories more.