Quote Originally Posted by Badou View Post
I don't think DC would ever pair the two because of how DC treats the Nightwing character, but I think expecting it to replace Dick's relationship with Barbara or Starfire is the wrong way to look at it. Obviously that would never happen, but it is more about trying to build Power Girl's character back up and giving her deeper ties to established DC characters. The only way Power Girl has been appearing at all in DC books the last few years is because of her friendship with Harley Quinn. So those ties and connections are important.

Talking about her rogues or supporting cast feels a bit much when she can't even appear consistently in an ongoing DC series. So a romance with a Nightwing could be a way to increase her influence, and also lot of fun if done properly. As both characters have similar upbeat and outgoing personalities, are two of the most attractive heroes in the DCU, and fall into similar roles within their hero families with growing up and creating a new hero identity for themselves. So they have a lot of similar experiences writers could use. A romance with Val again isn't going to do anything for the character with where she is currently. You build her up more and then use characters like Val.

Dick hasn't dated Starfire in 25 years and hasn't dated Barbara in like 13 years, but with them all having so much baggage you can't really have them start a new romance from the ground up with each other. So Power Girl would be something fresh. It would eventually end but it could transition into a good friendship between the two, and gives Power Girl a direct connection to a Batman family character with Helena Wayne not being around consistently. Dick is the only main Batman family member without his own Superman family connection. So it fits. Maybe the dynamic could change to a Batman and Zatanna kind of dynamic where it is a close friendship with underlines of romantic tension that people enjoy, but no one expects it to replace his relationship with Catwoman.
While in principle, I wouldn't mind seeing a Power Wing run in the comics...it's never going to happen. Nor is shipping PG with anyone really the way to increase her popularity. Here on CBR she was the number 63 most popular DC hero this year. Back during her solo comic book run and JSA run, she was number 22 or 23, actually above characters like Supergirl. Clearly PG's biggest problem is that DC and WB are simply not using her. Instead, Supergirl gets most of the roles PG might have played in the comics or other media, with completely new heroes, or other heroes retooled, getting the rest.

Simply give her a solo and put her back in JSA, and you'll see her rankings go way up. Do a GREAT solo title that actually matters for the rest of the DCU, and give her some animation time and a live action slot, and you'll see her get even more popular. But I don't see that last happening ever, as WB seems unaware she even exists.

Since classic bad guys and supporting cast are an essential element of comic book superhero stories, I think that they would help her popularity far more than shipping her with a more famous character. Most of DC's major superheroes after all go for long periods without their sundry romances being a major part of their own stories, but very few of them go for long without serious bad guys and serious stories. Plus...Power Girl really hasn't done anything ever that is terribly notable. Supergirl after all at least died a heroic death in COIE that's still in the memory of her fans. And other heroes have too many great stories to count. PG has none, and has never done anything notable in comparison. She needs that to all change. Which means no more Harley Quinn associations, and no more silly runs. No more Palmiotti and Gray writing her stuff.