Quote Originally Posted by Ezyo1000 View Post
Dude I would be totally okay with it, so long as it was done in a way that the second to last issue and the final issue his big reveal is HUGE. As in he pulls some massive feats to make up for him being absent. He needs it. Something akin to Thor in IF when he shows up in Wakanda to help
I mean yeah. In my head, the bad guys (bruh I don't even know who the bad guys are right now hahahha) would be seemingly winning, very close to victory, then the big bad notices something isn't right, things are too perfect, then he gets a revelation that is basically, "No... no he is dead, I killed him"

Last page splash page.... T'challa, alive, in Necropolis.

Second to last issue... details each plan with narration on what he manipulated and what he is has been doing

Last issue, the comeback from team earth (or whoever the good guys are lolol), with T'challa physically leading the charge in the last battle to win.

And, then I wake up from my dream again, needing a glass of water