Quote Originally Posted by Intothevoid View Post
The problem is gore/body horror is the driving force of Joe Bennetts art and is fundamental to the series and you can't have that without Hulks body getting damaged in all kinds of horrific ways. As a result it gives of the illusion that Hulk is way less durable than he really is, which isn't really the case. Even early on in issue 8, Ewing established that even an adamantium scalpel mounted on a hydraulic arm that can bend titanium like paper had trouble cutting through Hulks already exposed organs, so his durability is there the problem is Ewing doesn't always address that the weapons that hurt him are powerful enough to hurt pretty much anyone. For instance remember when Buschwacker blew half of Hulks head away with a 1000 caliber bullet? Well people thought he used regular bullets there which means anyone can blow a hole through Hulk now as long as they have large caliber bullets, so a friend of mine asked Ewing on twitter about this and his response was that the bullets were special and had a special mix in them from some of the unique metals found in Marvel i presume he is referring to stuff like vibranium/adamantium but the exact composition isn't known, either way that is enough to dispel the notion that he can be hurt by regular bullets even high caliber ones the problem is he didn't put that in the comic. Even more recently we saw Puck split open Hulks head with his bazooka which again isn't explained what type of weapon/bullet/energy blast it used, although funny enough he shot Hulk with it in issue 36 in the chest and it didn't blow a hole in him there, it was only after Creel started damaging and rag dolling Hulk around that i guess his durability got compromised so he was easier to hurt or at least i presume that's Ewings logic behind it, the problem is he didn't put it in the comic as a throaway line to explain it.

So once again because Ewing either personally doesn't care to explain each weapon or attack that hurts Hulk or because he thought issue 8 is enough to cover that Hulk is really durable so anything that hurts him has to be exceptional, we get the false idea that Hulk is easy to damage, in reality if anyone were to ask Ewing this question he would probably tell you that Hulk is every bit as durable if not more than any other superhero out there. Now if the kind of weapons that hurt Hulk end up not hurting other super heroes at some point in the comic then we can definitely say that he done goofed when it comes Hulks durability and it isn't what it's suppose to be until then, you can't really say his durability is bad until you know exactly how powerful the weapons and attacks on him really are.
Joe Bennett said puke shot hulk with gamma bullet.