Quote Originally Posted by IonRyner View Post
I'm a huge fan of Kyle Rayner as green lantern, I didn't get into green lantern series until the Issue that the guardian Ganthet changed everything for Kyle Rayner and gave him the green lantern ring and he became "The Torchbearer" the only green lantern for awhile. I liked that he got with Donna Troy until they were not together and he moved on with Jade, I liked Jade. That is when she returned home and cheated on Kyle and hurt him, though it was also his fault to I believe for staying out in space. The Ion series was interesting, I would have liked to seen the series last longer than it did with Kyle as Ion. When Kyle ran into Donna again as Ion I kind of hoped that they would reconcile and get back together, but that is just wishful thinking. Kyle is cursed with relationships that don't end well it seems for whatever reasons, be nice to see someone stick with him and not just up and leave.

I didn't read the corps series that Kyle was in, the next series with Kyle that I read was Green Lantern: New Guardians series with all the other lanterns in it. In that series he became the white lantern and created the white lantern corps, I liked him as the white lantern and hoped he'd stay as a white lantern. During the Green Lantern: New Guardian series and the Green Lantern/new gods crossover event godhead event, a new romantic relationship was forming.

The new romantic relationship that was forming that no one even liked from what I could tell looking it up, except for probably only me was Carol and Kyle. I liked the relationship I have to admit even though it came out of no where from what I could see and my thinking till the series/event ended. At the end Carol and Kyle go home together and wonder how long did that relationship last or is it still ongoing.

That series the new guardians was in 2011 to 2015 so now I'm trying to catch up with what kyle's been doing after the new guardian series and if he's with anyone now, does he have a new series or if not I hope DC gives him another series. Also been trying to catch up with what's been going on with DC in general now
After new guardians he was the main character in the omega men and after one he was in hal Jordan and the green lantern corps and later he joined the titans team which felt as a replacement to dick grayson after that ric thing.

Like you I hope he will get a solo but with DC'S track record I don't see that happening for some reason they don't seem to like kyle very much.