Quote Originally Posted by Badou View Post

Here are the sales comparisons. From their first issue to last and where they were when Steph's run ended:

Cass - 2000 to 2006 & 2008
Batgirl Vol.1 #1 - 64,296
Batgirl Vol.1 #24 - 43,782
Batgirl Vol.1 #73 - 26,536 (last issue)

Batgirl Vol.2 #1 - 34,404
Batgirl Vol.2 #6 - 20,747 (last issue)

Steph - 2009 to 2011
Batgirl Vol.3 #1 - 51,670
Batgirl Vol.3 #24 - 22,695 (last issue)

Babs - 2011 to now
Batgirl Vol.4 - #1 - 81,489 (#1 New 52 books has a ton of reorders I think too so this is probably wrong)
Batgirl Vol.4 - #24 - 36,666
Batgirl Vol.4 - #52 - 26,492 (last issue)

Batgirl Vol.5 - #1 - 96,177
Batgirl Vol.5 - #24 - 26,457
Batgirl Vol.5 - #41 - 23, 889 (16,969 + 6,920 the nearly 7K was from the card stock variant)
Does Batgirl not tend to sell very well online. Guess we probably won't ever know exact online sales but i think they are pretty good

I dont know why DC cant have its cake and eat it too. Im almost positive Barbara could continue to sustain a solo alongside a seperate team Batgirl book. Just make one the first week of the month and one the last week of the month. Heck if DC is still worried about sales why not call the book "Batman and team Batgirl" and copy what the outsiders do!