My only complain about Secret Empire would of been the caring about popularity. That’s like you’re trying to right an unlikable character other then that, I thought the event handled everything pretty well for what it was going for.

It wasn’t an Avengers event but it had the Avengers in it cause what Marvel event doesn’t. It was a Captain America centric event that was based in the US. I feel like everyone who played a major role should of played a major role in that comic. Steve, Bucky, Sam, HydraCap. I also like how they played up the tactical mindset of Steve and how he got rid of any hero who would of been a threat to him and his plans.

I will agree the Chitauri could of been replaced with something more grand but I’d argue the struggle is the fact more and more kept coming.

I don’t even see the problem with the shield thing. Every country on are planet has borders atleast I’d assume so. There’s checkpoints to see whose coming and leaving. I’d imagine in a universe/multiverse would several inhabited planets you’d want some kind of security

Regardless this up coming event should logically feature Carol prominently she has a long history with the Kree regardless of the current retcon she’s always been half Kree upon becoming a hero. So the Kree play a big part in her background. Honestly her movie dealt with both of these alien races for crying out loud. How are you going to put her at the center of a war that takes place only on Earth and was a sequel to a already infamous story. Yet not put her in the forefront of something her movie dealt with. Honestly just weird to me.

The way I would of done it not that it matter but the way I would of done it. I would of had the Kree/Skrull War 2 as an event have Carol, Hulkling, The Inhumans every major character that’s Kree or Skrull have big parts in it and have usual suspects get brought in like the Avengers. Have the Kree/Skrull war resolve with Hulkling bridging both races. Then come out with whatever there doing right now later on.