Quote Originally Posted by AndersonHoran View Post
Joss Whedon said he couldn't use Hank in the movie because of Wright. I hate Wright for ''killing'' Janet in the MCU.
This kind of saddens me. The worst part of it is that even if Hank and Janet had been included in the first Avengers movie, the Ant-Man movie could still be made pretty much the same as it has been. The only difference would have been that Hank wouldn't be old, and Hope wouldn't exist. Hank asks Scott to be the Ant-Man to retrieve the YJ suit because he's focusing all his attention on finding Janet, who has just disappeared into the Quantum Realm (switch her sacrificing herself in 1987 for her sacrificing herself at the end of the first Avengers movie). Then in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Janet would be rescued.

Not to mention this would avoid having to create a new character in the comic books that hasn't been able to interest a lot of people, so it would have been easier to keep Jan more featured in the comics.

I know it's a bit of a waste of time and energy crying over how things could have been, but I still think it's interesting to see other people's point of view and ideas on how it could have played out.