Quote Originally Posted by Lukmendes View Post

They don't end up together most times, there's one what if where he chose to marry Felicia over MJ, and Felicia died there, any other what if doesn't have them together even if Felicia shows that she loves him, like the what if Venom bonded with Spidey for longer, Peter died there, and Felicia made a deal where she'll work for Fisk forever to get the tech to kill the Venom symbiote, so there's only one what if they get together, and she died there.

As for games, there's Ultimate Spidey's most evil ending, where Peter becomes evil and chooses to give a symbiote to Felicia (Which deepened her voice a lot in the ending for some reason, is it even the same voice actress?), they're together there, that's as far as it goes, maybe they can have kids there, but they'd probably just keep reproducing symbiotes.
Lol the one when he married Felicia not only ended with her death but Peter also eventually started a relationship with Silver Sable, is kind of sad honestly.