Quote Originally Posted by Mary Jay View Post
I hated it at first, although I came to realize they just wanted to bait Ultron, but still... If they went at it that way, who's to say that's not what they really think of Hank? Not to mention it wasn't really clear if they thought it was Ultron or if Hank was in there somewhere, until the very end where Tony flat out said he believed Hank had been dead for some time (can't remember the exact words as I read it at a friend's and don't have the copy with me). To newer readers, or readers who don't know too much about the characters, they probably thought: "wow, this Pym guy must have been such a jerk for Tony and Janet to hate him so much".

I understand the reasoning behind it, but I still don't really like it.

I don't really remember them having such a rivalry that they would think so poorly of each other. They have been shown working well together in the past, and I'd like it to be like that moving forward, if ever Hank was to come back.
Slotts Mighty Avengers showed Stark and Reed having a bit of an antagonistic rivalry with Pym.

That said, I think marvel has Stark have a sort of rivalry with almost any other male Avenger he's friends with in the modern era. Cap and Tony are the big one, but Stark we've seen it with Thor and Black Panther and even Hulk to a degree too.