He is the worlds Greatest Marksmen, he is a guy with one of the most Badass Roster of Ex Girlfriends, he is Clint Barton, he is...

Pardon If there is already a thread and I just couldn't find it.

Either way, Stuff that's been happening recently:

- Hawkeye appeared in Web of Black Widow #4 and #5 the latter of which completely changed my opinion on the book (in a good way) and explains why Clint acted so OOC in the previous issue.
- And of course there is Hawkeye Freefall #1 which I enjoyed a lot as well. It's got all the fun parts right without making our avenging archer look like a goober.
There is one scene were he get's beat up real bad but the fact that the same goes for Sam and Bucky makes it look like much less of a big deal in my book and I'm very very curious were things go from here with Ronin.
The art might not be everyone's cup of tea and I get that but I personally like it just fine.