Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
These developers seemed to have come pretty close to realizing The Flash in a video game:

Didn't know about this. Thank you for sharing. The developers there seem to have had the right idea and a sense of what problems to tackle. Real shame it didn't get made.

The bit about Flash moving so fast that everyone around him are like moving statues versus giving a gamer a sense of being super-fast is one of the issues of doing a game with super-speed.

As with Superman, I think an open-world game with Flash is the wrong way to go. It should be level-based and linear albeit with full freedom on how to traverse and achieve goals and objectives along the way. The map will never be big enough to accomodate that sense of super-speed and after you race and flit around the map a few times covering everything it will get boring. Stuff like Fast Travel with Flash defeats the purpose of giving you a sense of actually travelling from one city to the next in a few minutes. To do it right you need to render and build a space across multiple cities, all empty stretches and you need to have the character run across that vast distance in a minute...which in terms of animation and processing will need a beast of a machine to get right.