Something that always bugs me is when I'm watching a Canadian movie that's clearly filmed in Canada with Canadian actors and a Canadian crew, yet it's supposed to be in the United States--even when there's no reason in-story why it shouldn't be Canada.

I had this experience the other day watching SEE FOR ME (2022). Filmed in Ontario in winter--looks exactly like rural Ontario in winter--stars Canadians--filmed with a Canadian crew, made with Canadian funding. About a blind former skier who goes out to a house in the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter. Everything about the movie screams Canada! But it's said to be in upstate New York. Why?

I would guess that they think U.S. audiences need movies to be set in the U.S. But is that really true? Do people in the United States get turned off if a movie isn't taking place in their country? I think the Canadian flavour of this movie enhances it. It's supposed to be a remote location--Canada is a remote place, so that makes the movie more thrilling.

Surely in this day and age Canadian movies can be Canadian and they don't have to change the street signs to make them appear like it's somewhere else. But I'm not sure everyone else feels that way.