Quote Originally Posted by OOTCS View Post
Mentioning this because I haven't seen any promotion for this: Alkhema (Bobbi's evil robot sister created by Ultron in Avengers West Coast) is going to have a story in one of the Iron Man 2020 tie-ins! It's called 2020 IRON AGE and it comes out March 18:

The Robot Revolution rages on! But as the fighting escalates and convictions are put to the test - is everyone committed to their cause or is there more going on than meets the eye? Don't miss out on this collection of epic adventures from both sides of the conflict featuring Machine Man, Doctor Shapiro and Alkhema. From industry legend Tom DeFalco & Nick Roche, Christopher Cantwell & Matt Horak, Fonda Lee & Damian Couceiro!

I'm not sure if the order of the characters matches the order of the creative teams.

Alkhema hasn't been around since she was killed off in AVENGERS: THE ULTRON IMPERATIVE in 2001 (there was a tease of her return in the secondary story in Avengers: Solo in 2012, but that turned out to be a false alarm), and she's so much fun, so I'm excited for this.
Agreed completely! I was pleasantly surprised when Dan Slott listed Alkhema as one of the many A.I. characters who would be part of the Iron Man 2020 storyline a few months back, but her getting her own spotlight story was awesome news!

I've always enjoyed Alkhema a lot -- she's got Bobbi's scathing sarcasm and sense of humour, but wrapped up in a body that is equal to Ultron in terms of destructive potential! Between the raw power and the entertaining personality, Alkhema has the potential to be a major powerhouse villain for the Avengers...if only she could get out of Ultron's shadow.

Now that Bobbi has returned from the "dead", it would be interesting to see her and Alkhema cross paths at some point. Since Mockingbird is involved in the IM 2020 storyline too through Force Works, who knows--maybe we'll get to see it in this event!